What is the programme?
The yoga for Healthy Lower Backs programme is a specialised 12 week course which is evidence based. This programme was produced and taught as a yoga research study funded by Arthritis Research UK which was to evaluate the effectiveness of yoga for chronic low back pain.
How is it different to a general yoga class?
It is more than just a yoga class. It is a course designed to give you long term benefits and teach self management techniques. teaching skills for life to self manage your back pain. It is gentle and progressive and teaches pain relieving poses.
Class format
The 12 x 75min classes consist of gentle yoga poses progressing over the 12 weeks. The yoga poses taught are for pain relief, to increase strength and mobility. Relaxation is also included in the sessions. Homework is given at the end of each class, plus there are resources of a book, CD and handouts to accompany the course.
Beginner friendly
Teaches self management techniques
Cost effective
Small group classes
Health and Wellbeing
Building confidence in carrying out activities
Improve posture
Stretch and increase circulation
Restore correct function and balance
How to book
The next course starts on Wednesday 2 October 6-7.15pm at Leigh Community Centre. Contact us by phone 01702 475700 or email contact@yoga4all.co to reserve your space or if you have any questions.
Feedback from a previous participant
“This course has helped me so much! I was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis after fracturing all my lumbar vertebrae in 2015. I have worked hard at regaining strength and mobility over the past 3 years but it is only since starting these classes that I have really begun to feel better and more comfortable in my body again. They have also helped me mentally as well as physically – I had found the sudden change in my situation and physical ability hard to come to terms with and feel much more positive and optimistic now. The ‘go to’ stretches for relieving flare ups of back pain really help me and I never (really never) get into bed without stretching my body from top to toe – and get a pain free night as a result! The classes allow you to work at your own pace, to listen to your own body and find what works for you. I cannot recommend it highly enough! "