During this difficult and worrying time, carers are under pressure and it can also be worrying and confusing for the person living with Dementia.
Yoga4all works with day centres and care homes offering chair yoga and massage to people living with dementia and their carers. During the difficult time in lockdown, Yoga4all are now providing online yoga classes which are accessible to all, including carers and people in their care.

This is a Free class and is open to Care Homes to stream to residents as well as families to stream at home. The class is suitable for carers and the people they care for. Join us weekly on Thursday mornings from 11-11.30am, via Zoom from our website.
To access the class, download the Zoom app here. https://zoom.us/download
Register for the class via; https://www.yoga4all.co/bookings-checkout/dementia-friendly-chair-yoga/book and you'll receive a link via email, which will then enable you to join the class.